Present your wedding film pricing to your couples in a gorgeous & professional guide, without the hassle & expense of hiring a graphic designer.
What you'll get:
- Easily customizable Adobe InDesign Template that can be used for both web and print
- Multiple pricing page template options to fit your packages & add-ons
- Customizable Introduction, FAQ, & Booking pages
- Free download links to professional fonts
- Video & PDF tutorials walking you through the entire template customization process
- Compatible with Adobe CS4/5/5.5/6/CC
Please note: If you don't have Adobe Creative Cloud, instructions are included showing how to download a free trial to customize the Pricing Guide template.
Refund Policy: My hope is that you are happy with this purchase. If you have any issues or need help, please get in touch and I will help in any way I can, including giving you a refund if needed.